JAŊDE Editorial is a cooperative publishing house of fiction and non-fiction in Catalan and Spanish that was born between Barcelona, Vic, and Mataró with a social vocation: to generate a quality space for literature that we didn't know we lacked.
Our professional and life paths have united us in a common project: to create a publishing house that promotes what we as readers have been missing.
We want to offer references to readers who, like us, have a plural identity, who belong here and also there and who also need to see themselves represented in bookshops. Through JAŊDE Editorial, we seek that Catalan literature dares to encompass everything that racialized voices or those of migrant origin are prepared to share.
JAŊDE Editorial will start publishing its titles at the beginning of 2025 and will have three different collections:
La col·lecció de narrativa, poesia i teatre.
Our collection for fantasy and science-fiction
La col·lecció de no-ficció.
Write us at info@editorialjande.com or fill out the following form: info@editorialjande.com o omple el formulari següent:
Do you have a literary proposal that you think could fit with our project? Do you want to collaborate with us? Let’s stay in touch!
Write to us at info@editorialjande.com or fill out the following form:
© 2024 Tots els drets reservats.